What is a Senior Fellow?

The CI invites applications and nominations of Senior Fellows from a variety of disciplines, e.g. natural and medical science, social science, business, engineering, the arts, the humanities—literally from STEM to STEAM. We invite Senior Fellows from a diversity of institutional settings, such as academia, public agencies, the private sector, and engaged citizens. The single most important criterion to be eligible for consideration as a Senior Fellow is a commitment to the mission and vision of the CI and willingness to work toward success by creating and sustaining environmental, economic, and social resilience of coastal environments.
Characteristics of Senior Fellows include a promising record as an early career scholar or practitioner or an established record of advancing knowledge to address environmental problems in coastal environments.
How do I become a Senior Fellow?
Contact CI staff or a current Senior Fellow to learn more about membership requirements and benefits. Once someone has agreed to nominate you, please submit an application form.

The CI Director will make a decision based on your application. Fellows are expected to actively contribute to and participate in Coastal Institute activities. Senior Fellows who find they can no longer participate for any reason are asked to notify the CI.
What are Senior Fellow responsibilities?
- Attend the CI’s annual meeting that is held each summer.
- Be available to assess and provide feedback on CI initiatives.
- Provide timely written reports on CI investment in your research
What are the benefits of being named a Senior Fellow?
- Expanded opportunities to participate in Coastal Institute activities.
- Right to submit research proposals through the Coastal Institute (reserved for URI employees).
- Opportunity to apply for grants through the Coastal Institute.
- Identification on the Coastal Institute webpage making Fellows part of a large network of scientists, social scientists, artists, humanists, managers, policy-makers, and community members committed to the mission and vision of the Coastal Institute.