Alyson | McCann | CELS/NRS | RCAP | Improving water quality through training and technical assistance to private well owners | 13,000.00 | Pending |
Alan | Desbonnet | GSO | NOAA/Sea Grant | Sea Grant Northeast Offshore Wind and Fisheries Communities Extension Support-Special Projects K | $87,500 | Pending |
Alan | Desbonnet | GSO/Rhode Island Sea Grant | NOAA/Sea Grant | Supporting Rhode Island Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic for the Seafood Sector | $50,000 | Pending |
Alan | Desbonnet | GSO/Oceanography | NOAA/OAR/DOC | 2022-2024 Monibus Extension Program (CORE) | 864,000 | Pending |
Aimee | Mandeville | CELS/NRS | Rhode Island School of Design | Improve Functionality and Interface of Interactive Narragansett Bay Dam Atlas | $8,300 | Pending |