CI Proposal Submission Database

Displaying 326 - 350 of 380

 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded
ChristopherKincaidOCGSNEPAdvancement and application of modeling tools for circulation and water quality in impacted Upper Narragansett Bay: Assessing recent SNEP remediation strategies.$185,000Pending
CharlesLaBashCELS/NRSMcLaughlin Research CorporationCELS - CI - GIS Support Services for the Naval Undersea Warfare (NUWCDIVNPT) Center’s Mission Environmental Planning Laboratory (MEP) 2024-2029$865,566Pending
CharlesLaBashCELS/NRSMcLaughlin Research CorporationCELS - CI - GIS Support Services for the Naval Undersea Warfare (NUWCDIVNPT) Center’s Mission Environmental Planning Laboratory (MEP) FY24 PO 1$36,263.81Pending
CharlesLaBashCELS/NRSMcLaughlin Research CorporationCELS - CI - GIS Support Services for the Naval Undersea Warfare (NUWCDIVNPT) Center’s Mission Environmental Planning Laboratory (MEP) FY25 PO 1$24,184.79Pending
CarolThornberCELS/NRSNarrangansett Bay Estuary ProgramPilot study collecting new data to assess a changing Narragansett Bay16,200Pending
CarolThornberCELS/NRSNOAACo-cultivation of the sugar kelp Saccharina latissima and the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica in New England250KPending
CarolThornberCELS/NRSRI Water Resources CenterThe use of macroalgae as indicators of pollu@on by Pla@num Group Elements (PGEs) in estuaries50KPending
CarlosGarcia-QuijanoSociology and AnthropologyNOAA-MARFINDeveloping Human Dimension Indicators in the Southeast Region100,000Pending
CarlosGarcia-QuijanoSociology and AnthropologyNSFThe Environmental Justice Effects of Ecological Knowledge100000Pending
CandaceOviattOceanographyNOAALarval lobster supply - Examining larval transport with new and old techniques$ 101,897Pending
CandaceOviattUniversity of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography/OceanographyNOAA Sea GrantLarval lobster supply - Examining larval transport with new and old techniques$84,908Pending
CandaceOviattURI/GSONew Hampshire SeagrantUtilizing Offshore Wind Farms as Artifical Reef Habitat as a Restoration Pathway for Lobster Fishery in RI Sound400000Pending
BrianCrawfordGSO/CRC Dept#2806USAIDThe USAID/Ghana Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SFMP)2,000,000Pending
BrianCrawfordCoastal Resources Center/GSOUSAIDUSAID AFR BAA: The Unrealized Potential of Women Shellfishers in the Nexus of Sustainable Mangrove Conservation, Food Systems, and Nutrition in Coastal West Africa$1,292,000Pending
BrianGerberNRS/CELSRhode Island Department of Environmental MgmtNational Estuarine Wildlife Research$110,000Pending
BrianGerberCELS/NRSUS Fish and Wildlife ServiceTransparent modeling of collision risk of bird species to offshore wind development – extended to include additional at-risk species and new tracking technologies$180,167Pending
BrianGerberCELS/NRSRhode Island Department of Environmental ManagementOdor misinformation tactics as a predator management strategy for Atlantic coast beach-nesting birds.$80,000Pending
BrettStillCELS/NRSFish and WildlifeCoastal Resiliency Monitoring25,000Pending
BradleyWetherbeeCELS BIONOAAMachine learning for developing habitat utilization models towards essential fish habitat for the shortfin mako shark67146Pending
BradleyWetherbeeCELS BIOWHOI NOAAMachine learning for developing habitat utilization models towards essential fish habitat for the shortfin mako shark132096Pending
BradleyWetherbeeBIO CELSNSFIntegrating organismal traits and oceanographic features into the design of conservation measures for oceanic predator150,000Pending
BradWetherbeeBIO CELSNSFBehavioral States of Oceanic Animals within a dynamic landscape982,703.19Pending
AzureCyglerGSOUSDAImproving Local Seafood Markets in the Ocean State: A direct-market pilot benefiting fishermen on Block Island$150,000Pending
AzureCyglerGSO/OceanographyNOAA/OAR/DOCSea Grant Northeast Regional Lobster Extension Program: RHODE ISLAND$15,000Pending
AzureCyglerOceanographyNOAAShellfish Hub 2.0: Continuing to advance aquaculture education in RI through multi-state input to training the next generation of aquaculturists$41,500 per year for 2 years (inclusive of URI IDC)Pending
 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded