CI Proposal Submission Database

Displaying 326 - 350 of 380

 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded
ArthurGoldCRLS/NRSLong Island Sound Study Research ProgramQuantifying nitrogen non-point sources to target management at local scales: linking flow paths and travel time to nitrogen loads in Long Island Sound56,000Pending
IsaacGinisGSO/2802Korea Institute of Ocean Science and TechnologyCooperative process modeling study of rapidly intensifying typhoon with warm eddy and wind drag parameterizations$40,000Pending
IsaacGinisGSO/2802Korea Institute of Ocean Science and TechnologyCooperative modeling study of rapidly intensifying typhoon with warm eddy and wind drag parameterizations$40,000Pending
GlennRicciGSO - 2806King Abdullah University of Science and Technology – Beacon Development (KBD)Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Project for Saudi Arabia´s Red Sea and Arabian Gulf569,731.14Pending
RoxanneBeinartGSOHuman Frontiers Science ProgramDeciphering the evolution, cellular biology and biogeochemistry of symbioses in anaerobic eukaryotes$400,000Pending
HirotsuguUchidaCELS/ENREGulf of Maine Research Institute (NSF)NSF Convergence Accelerator Track E: Full and Equitable Utilization of Fisheries Electronic Monitoring Data for Sensible Blue Economy Acceleration$150,000Pending
AnnetteGrilliOcean EngineeringFriends of Green Hill PondAssessing the Impact of Reopening the Link Channel on the Water Quality of Green Hill Pond, South Kingstown Rhode Island27,000Pending
BrettStillCELS/NRSFish and WildlifeCoastal Resiliency Monitoring25,000Pending
NathanVinhateiroCoastal InstituteFEMARhode Island SSEER Network75000Pending
RainerLohmannGSOExxon BiomedicalInitial evaluations of passive sampling for PFAS substances in support of monitoring activities, and bioavailability assessments122,000Pending
JenniferMcCannGSO/OceanographyEPA/SNEPUnderstanding Changes in Narragansett Bay: Impacting Decision-making through Partnerships$20,000Pending
JasonParentCELS/NRSEPA SNEPCELS - CI - Satellite Monitoring and Prediction of Surface Water Quality in Rhode Island and Massachusetts$300,000Pending
Dr. JasonParentCELS/NRSEPA (SNEP)CELS - CI - Developing a Geospatial Database to Improve Decentralized Wastewater Management in Coastal Rhode Island$465,000Pending
RainerLohmannGSOEPAEnhancing the GLFMSP for legacy and emerging chemicals5,500,000Pending
HongjieWangGSOEPANutrient and water quality indicators of sustainable habitat and living resources in temperate estuaries1.2MPending
ErinPeckGraduate School of OceanographyEPACorrecting for overestimation of blue carbon services in coastal and marine ecosystems669,790Pending
JudithSwiftCI/GSODOI/NPSCESU Host Agreement Task Agreement Modification #314,400Pending
ElinTorellURI Coastal InstituteDOI/NPSNOAT CESU - Leadership, Coordination, and Administrative Oversight for the North Atlantic Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit HOST AGREEMENT 2022-2027$18000Pending
JOHNWALSHCRC/GSODoEBenthic, Pelagic and Aerial Monitoring Before, During and After Offshore Wind Farm Construction on the Northeast Continental Shelf$1000000Pending
AustinBeckerCELS/MAFDHS/Univ of North CarolinaCHAMP Expansion to CT and USCG300000Pending
AustinBeckerCELS/Marine AffairsDHSLessons Learned for Hazard Resilience Guide for Ports and the Marine Transportation System75,630Pending
PamelaRubinoffCRC/GSODHSCommunicating Risk to Motivate Individual Action113,063Pending
AustinBeckerCELS/MAFDHSExpansion of the RI-CHAMP system300,000Pending
AustinBeckerMarine AffairsDept. of Homeland SecurityCoastal Hazards Analysis, Modeling, and Prediction System for Emergency Management and Response170000Pending
AustinBeckerCELS/Marine AffairsDept. of Homeland SecurityCoastal Hazards, Analysis, Modeling, and Prediction System for Planning, Management and Response$225,000Pending
 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded