CI Proposal Submission Database

Displaying 251 - 275 of 380

 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded
TraceyDaltonRhode Island Sea Grant/GSONOAA/Sea Grant2024-2027 RISG Omnibus Program Management$402,500Pending
CoreyLangCELS/ENRENOAAESLR 2021 Transportation Resilience: Benefits of Coastal Wetlands to Mitigate Flood Hazards and Damage to Coastal Roadways Exposed to Sea Level Rise$400,000Pending
JasonParentCELS/NRSNSF Disaster Resilience Research GrantsPredicting windstorm tree damage to electric utilities: Expanding the Coastal Hazards Analysis Modeling and Prediction (CHAMP) tool$400,000Pending
TraceyDaltonOceanographyNOAADeveloping tailored aquaculture training modules for fisheries workforce and Career and Technical Education (CTE) audiences in Rhode Island$400,000Pending
RoxanneBeinartGSOHuman Frontiers Science ProgramDeciphering the evolution, cellular biology and biogeochemistry of symbioses in anaerobic eukaryotes$400,000Pending
IsaacGinisGSO/2802Korea Institute of Ocean Science and TechnologyCooperative process modeling study of rapidly intensifying typhoon with warm eddy and wind drag parameterizations$40,000Pending
IsaacGinisGSO/2802Korea Institute of Ocean Science and TechnologyCooperative modeling study of rapidly intensifying typhoon with warm eddy and wind drag parameterizations$40,000Pending
AmeliaMooreCELS/MAFNSFThe Ocean State Institute for Science, Racial Equity, and Justice$4.8millionPending
GailScowcroftGraduate School of OceanographyNSFNNA-CO: Building Collaborative Bridges Across the Arctic$4,582,481Pending
ScottMcWilliamsCELS/NRSRI DEMSupplement: Effects of aquaculture on waterbirds$388,243Pending
GlennRicciGSO/OceanographyNational Park ServiceAmendment-Conducting vulnerability assessments in the Northeast Region: George Washington Birthplace National Monument$38,347Pending
ColleenMouwGSOMIT/NASAevealing phytoplankton community structure from model assessment of pigments, inherent optical properties and remote sensed products: Now and in the Future Optical Discrimination of phytoplankton composition through multi- and hyperspectral imagery Optical discrimination of phytoplankton composition through multi- and hyperspectral imagery through multi- and hyperspectral imagery Optical integration of inland water biogeochemical processes through multi- and hyperspectral imagery Optical integration of inland water biogeochemical processes through multi- and hyperspectral imagery Optical Discrimination of phytoplankton composition through multi- and hyperspectral imagery Optical Discrimination of phytoplankton composition through multi- and hyperspectral imagery Optical discrimination of phytoplankton composition through multi- and hyperspectral imagery$375,148Pending
ColleenMouwGSONASALong-term Environmental Drivers of Phytoplankton Communities on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Ecosystem$370,000Pending
JamesMillerEngineering/Ocean EngineeringBOEM/DOI with Scripps Inst. of Ocean. as leadAnalysis and Modelling of Wave Propagation in the Sediment near Offshore Wind Farm Construction$364,000Pending
CharlesLaBashCELS/NRSMcLaughlin Research CorporationCELS - CI - GIS Support Services for the Naval Undersea Warfare (NUWCDIVNPT) Center’s Mission Environmental Planning Laboratory (MEP) FY24 PO 1$36,263.81Pending
Professor YeqiaoWangCELS/NRSRI Coastal Resources Management CouncilCELS - CI - 2022 Development and Maintenance of an Online Delivery System for STORMTOOLS Inundation and Risk Maps$36,250Pending
ColleenMouwGSONOAALong-term Environmental Drivers of Phytoplankton Communities on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Ecosystem$355,760Pending
JeremyCollieGraduate School of OceanographyNOAA Sea GrantEarly Life History of American Lobsters in Coastal Southern New England Waters$351,485Pending
CoreyLangCELS/ENREUSDA-NIFAHow partisan preferences change across venues and the impact on farm, forest, and open space conservation$350,000Pending
ColleenMouwGSONASAParameterizing Particles: Leveraging Optical Gradients and Particle Theory to Improve Hyperspectral Absorption Deconvolution and Derived Products$342,199Pending
MartaGomez-ChiarriCELS/FAVSOregon State University - prime to NOAAImproving Vibriosis Management in Shellfish Rearing Facilities$330,000Pending
JasonParentCELS/NRSMcLaughlin Research CorporationCELS - CI - GIS Support Services and Atlantic Sturgeon Acoustic Impact Study for the Naval Undersea Warfare (NUWCDIVNPT) Center’s Marine Environmental Planning Laboratory (MEP) FY23/FY24$33,563.65Pending
J.P.WalshGSO/CRCNational Park ServiceSalt Marsh Decision Making$325000Pending
TraceyDaltonRhode Island Sea Grant/GSONOAA/Sea Grant2024-2027 RISG Omnibus Program Development$318,218Pending
HirotsuguUchidaCELS/ENRENOAADevelopment of a new seafood market of locally abundant underutilized fish for smaller-scale fishery in Rhode Island$300,000Pending
 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded