Perhaps the greatest challenge confronting environmental managers and community planners throughout coastal Rhode Island is flooding associated with accelerated rates of sea-level rise and storm surge, both of which are exacerbated by projected increased precipitation and storm intensity. Recent NOAA projections suggest that in 25 years sea level in Narragansett Bay could rise by over […]
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Partnership for the Environment: National Park Service contributions to the University of Rhode Island, 2020 Summary
This 2020 report summarizes the annual contributions of the National Park Service staff who are duty stationed at the University of Rhode Island. These NPS staff members represent three distinct, but interrelated, programs: the NPS Research Coordinator for the North Atlantic Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit; the Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network, Inventory and Monitoring […]
Continue reading "Partnership for the Environment: National Park Service contributions to the University of Rhode Island, 2020 Summary"Partnership for the Environment: National Park Service contributions to the University of Rhode Island, 2017 Summary
This report summarizes the annual contributions of the National Park Service staff who are duty stationed at the University of Rhode Island. These NPS staff members represent three distinct, but interrelated, programs: the NPS Research Coordinator for the North Atlantic Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit; the Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network, Inventory and Monitoring Division; […]
Continue reading "Partnership for the Environment: National Park Service contributions to the University of Rhode Island, 2017 Summary"Narragansett Bay Watershed Economy: The ebb and flow of natural capital
The communities and economies in the Narragansett Bay Watershed depend on ecosystem goods and services. Marine transportation, commercial and recreational fishing, shellfishing, hospitality industries, sociocultural benefits, and aesthetic beauty, to name just a few. This report seeks to quantify the economic value of key ecosystem services from the Narragansett Bay watershed and identify major uses […]
Continue reading "Narragansett Bay Watershed Economy: The ebb and flow of natural capital"Communicating Science: a primer with applications
This primer is intended as a guide for those who want to bridge the communication gap between the world of science and the public, including policymakers, regulating bodies, and leadership. Read on-line
Continue reading "Communicating Science: a primer with applications"41°N, Rhode Island’s Ocean and Coastal Magazine
41N is a publication of Rhode Island Sea Grant and the Coastal Institute at the University of Rhode Island. This biannual magazine examines climate change, marine commerce and recreation, ecology and habitats, ocean planning, and the history of Rhode Island’s coastal and marine landscape. View current and past issues
Continue reading "41°N, Rhode Island’s Ocean and Coastal Magazine"Rhode Island’s Shellfish Heritage: An Ecological History (2015)
Author Sarah Schumann examines the local shellfish industry from the earliest recorded harvests to present day in this chronicle of the ecological, economic, and cultural history of shellfish in RI produced in partnership by Rhode Island Sea Grant, the URI Coastal Resources Center, and the URI Coastal Institute. The book’s primary focus is on the […]
Continue reading "Rhode Island’s Shellfish Heritage: An Ecological History (2015)"Watershed Counts Annual Report – Climate Change in Narragansett Bay: Economy, Environment, Equity
Watershed Counts is an annual report published in partnership with the Narragansett Bay Estuary Program focusing on a different aspect of watershed health, informing the general public of its importance to our environment, communities, and economy. View current and past reports.
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