PI Full NameKelton McMahon
College/DepartmentGraduate School of Oceanography
Granting Agency/FoundationNSF
Project TitleDISES: Coupling Indigenous knowledge and ecogeochemistry to identify shifting relationships among fishing, culture, and ecosystem integrity
Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)*786,660
List of Co-PIs

Dr. Melva Trevino Pena: CELS-Marine Affairs

Provide a short paragraph stating why the project is best administered by the Coastal Institute.

This work has major implications for understanding the reciprocal relationships among culture, governance, technology, and coastal ecosystem function and resilience. We bring together an interdisciplinary team of social and natural scientists to build mechanistic frameworks of how coastal socio-ecological systems work in the context of changing fishing technology and climate. In addition, this project has a comprehensive science education and public outreach component, facilitated through our partnership with the non-profit "One People One Reef" (https://onepeopleonereef.org/). This work aligns well the CI mission dedicated to increase our understanding of the relationships between human activity and the condition of the coastal environment and its resources. Our project would be well served by integrating into the CI partnership with local and regional stakeholders invested relating our findings to relevant US coastal socio-ecological systems.

Status_fundedStatus: Funded
Status_pendingStatus: Pending review
Status_notFundedStatus: Not Funded