Heather | Stoffel | URI/GSO | NERACOOS | Year 4 | 75K | Pending |
Jennifer | McCann | GSO/Oceanography | NOAA/National Sea Grant | Workshop: A Community of Practice for Offshore Renewable Energy | $10,000 | Pending |
Karen | Kent | Oceanography | USAID | Women Shellfish Food Security Project | $1.9M | Pending |
Thomas | Sproul | CELS/ENRE | NYSERDA | Win-Wind: Mitigating Ocean Area Use Conflicts in Offshore Wind Sites through Systems Optimization | $148,448 | Pending |
Kathleen | Carroll | NRS | DEM | White-tailed deer population estimation in Rhode Island via aerial infrared sensors | 26,500 | Pending |
Karen | Kent | GSO/CRC | USDA | West Africa ASSESS URI #3 | $2,500,000 | Pending |
Sarah | Smith | GSO / Coastal Resources Center | Global Fishing Watch | Vessel Beneficial Ownership | $63,000 | Pending |
Jannelle | Couret | Biological Sciences | NSF | Vector-Host-Microbe Interactions and Emergent Consequences for Zoonotic Lyme Disease | 3 million | Pending |
Colleen | Mouw | GSO | NASA | Validation of PACE radiometry and science data products in the U.S. Northeast Continental Shelf in partnership with NOAA | 1,200,000 | Pending |
Heather | Stoffel | URI/GSO | NOAA NMFS | Utilizing Wind Farm artificial reef as an implementation tool to restore the lobster fishery in Rhode Island Sound | 4.3million | Pending |
Candace | Oviatt | URI/GSO | New Hampshire Seagrant | Utilizing Offshore Wind Farms as Artifical Reef Habitat as a Restoration Pathway for Lobster Fishery in RI Sound | 400000 | Pending |
Tatiana | Rynearson | GSO | RI Sea Grant | Using historical time series data to predict future HAB events in Narragansett Bay, RI | $250,000 | Pending |
Glenn | Ricci | Oceanography/CRC | RTI | USAID/Indoneisa BER-IKAN Activity | 1,763,972 | Pending |
Sarah | Gaines | GSO/CRC | USAID | USAID Riake | $15,000,000 | Pending |
Sarah | Gaines | GSO/CRC | USAID | USAID Heshimu Bahari | $2,936,864 | Pending |
Brian | Crawford | Coastal Resources Center/GSO | USAID | USAID AFR BAA: The Unrealized Potential of Women Shellfishers in the Nexus of Sustainable Mangrove Conservation, Food Systems, and Nutrition in Coastal West Africa | $1,292,000 | Pending |
Jannelle | Couret | Biological Sciences | NSF | URoL: EN Linking emergent consequences of microbial colonization rules in ticks to enzootic Lyme spirochete transmission dynamics | $3,000,000 | Pending |
Tatiana | Rynearson | GSO | NOAA | URI-CINAR: Education Development and Workforce Development | $535,000 | Pending |
Jeremy | Collie | Graduate School of Oceanography | NOAA-CINAR | URI-CINAR Education Development and Workforce Training | $668,611 | Pending |
Glenn | Ricci | GSO | National Park Service | URI Technical Support to NPS Climate Planning - Expanded Outreach to Parks | $210,000 | Pending |
Peter | Snyder | DRED | NOAA | URI Center for Integrated Plastics Research/URI Land to Sea Plastics COLAB | 1,000,000 | Pending |
Heather | Stoffel | URI/GSO | MassDEP | Upper Mt. Hope Bay Water Quality Monitoring through Massachusetts’s Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) | 134,000 | Pending |
Heather | Stoffel | URI/GSO | MassDEP | Upper Mt. Hope Bay Water Quality Monitoring through Massachusetts’s Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) | 114,000 | Pending |
Heather | Stoffel | URI/GSO | SNEP | Upper Mt Hope Bay Monitoring through Narragansett Bay Fixed Site Monitoring Network (NBFSMN) | 277000 | Pending |
Mark | Stolt | CELS/NRS | CT NRCS | Updating the soil mapping of coastal and subaqueous areas of Long Island Sound | 2.5 M | Pending |