PI Full NameSusanne Menden-Deuer
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Granting Agency/FoundationNASA
Project TitleLeveraging time-series to understand coastal ecosystem function: linking inherent optical properties with biological stocks and rates
Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)*900000
List of Co-PIs


Provide a short paragraph stating why the project is best administered by the Coastal Institute.

Society is in dire need of a predictive understanding of ocean ecosystem response to climate change but ecosystem variability and undersampling of processes and rates result in uncertainties that are too large for accurate management predictions. This proposal will alleviate these gaps using the long term Narragansett Bay time series. The coastal institute is central to communication of scientific issues in a policy and management context and thus is critical to house and aid in disseminating the resulting knowledge.

Status_fundedStatus: Funded
Status_pendingStatus: Pending review
Status_notFundedStatus: Not Funded