PI Full Name | Rainer Lohmann |
rlohmann@uri.edu | |
College/Department | 2802 |
Granting Agency/Foundation | SERDP |
Project Title | Development of Improved Concentration Technologies for Treatment of Matrices Impacted by PFAS |
Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* | $1,513,935 |
List of Co-PIs | Jitka Becanova, GSO/URI |
Provide a short paragraph stating why the project is best administered by the Coastal Institute. | The project focuses on addressing the current topic - PFAS contamination of coastal and surface waters and is also linked to the STEEP SRP Superfund Center, also managed by the Coastal Institute. |
Funded | Pending |
Status_funded | Status: Funded |
Status_pending | Status: Pending review |
Status_notFunded | Status: Not Funded |