PI Full NameSusanne Menden-Deuer
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Granting Agency/FoundationNASA
Project TitleQuantifying plankton predation rates, and effects on primary production, phytoplankton community composition, size spectra and potential for export - Supplement
Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)*31000
Provide a short paragraph stating why the project is best administered by the Coastal Institute.

Global climate change makes it pertinent that we achieve a better understanding of marine carbon
cycles. Grazing is a key process that alters the fate of carbon between the organic and inorganic pools.
This project will deliver key measurement capacity to quantify the rates at which carbon is shuttled
between those two pools

Status_fundedStatus: Funded
Status_pendingStatus: Pending review
Status_notFundedStatus: Not Funded