PI Full NameHongjie Wang
Granting Agency/FoundationNSF
Project TitleDrivers of ocean acidification in a temperate urbanized estuary undergoing nutrient loading reductions
Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)*$713,505
List of Co-PIs

Hongjie Wang, URI-GSO
Dave Ullman, URI-GSO
Andrew Davies, URI-Biological Sciences

Provide a short paragraph stating why the project is best administered by the Coastal Institute.

By understanding the ocean acidification changes, the mechanism in driving its changes, and how nutrient cutting around Narragansett Bay effect the multiple biogeochemical processes, including ocean acidification, we compass the mission of the Coastal Institute "To advance knowledge and contribute to the development of solutions to environmental problems in coastal ecosystems".

Status_fundedStatus: Funded
Status_pendingStatus: Pending review
Status_notFundedStatus: Not Funded