PI Full NameTracey Dalton
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Granting Agency/FoundationNational Sea Grant (NOAA)
Project TitleAdvancing smart and sustainable aquaculture growth in Rhode Island.
Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)*$185,183
List of Co-PIs

Azure Cygler, Fisheries & Aquaculture Extension, CRC/Oceanography

Provide a short paragraph stating why the project is best administered by the Coastal Institute.

The proposed work supports development of sound coastal policies that balance the many uses that take place on the Bay. Supporting our state agency partners in implementing aquaculture policy development that incorporates the voices and concerns of all stakeholders is critical to a sustainable set of policies and management measures. Aquaculture growth in the Bay is at a cross roads and this project can help ensure smart, informed, and multi-voice decision-making that allows blue-green job growth in the important sector of aquaculture, while accounting for and accommodating concerns of citizens who make a living and derive recreational happiness for the Bay.

Status_fundedStatus: Funded
Status_pendingStatus: Pending review
Status_notFundedStatus: Not Funded