CI Proposal Submission Database

Displaying 201 - 225 of 360

 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded
BrianGerberCELS/NRSRhode Island Department of Environmental ManagementOdor misinformation tactics as a predator management strategy for Atlantic coast beach-nesting birds.$80,000Pending
Professor YeqiaoWangCELS/NRSRI Coastal Resources Management CouncilCELS - CI - 2022 Development and Maintenance of an Online Delivery System for STORMTOOLS Inundation and Risk Maps$36,250Pending
CoreyLangCELS/ENREUSDA-NIFAHow partisan preferences change across venues and the impact on farm, forest, and open space conservation$350,000Pending
TraceyDaltonGSONOAABuilding a cross-sector marine debris coalition in Rhode Island, with dedicated action to create a fishing gear collection and recycling program.300000Pending
HeatherStoffelURI/GSONERACOOSGSO Dock Upgrade through NERACOOS85000Pending
KeltonMcMahonGraduate School of OceanographyOne People One ReefIntegrating novel technologies and traditional management into actionable conservation solutions: a responsive toolkit to better understand and manage critical coral reef ecosystems$150,684Pending
HeatherStoffelURI/GSOMassDEPUpper Mt. Hope Bay Water Quality Monitoring through Massachusetts’s Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)134,000Pending
BradleyWetherbeeBIO CELSNSFIntegrating organismal traits and oceanographic features into the design of conservation measures for oceanic predator150,000Pending
JasonParentCELS/NRSMcLaughlin Research CorporationCELS - CI - GIS Support Services and Atlantic Sturgeon Acoustic Impact Study for the Naval Undersea Warfare (NUWCDIVNPT) Center’s Marine Environmental Planning Laboratory (MEP) FY23$69,657.08Pending
KeltonMcMahonGraduate School of OceanographyNational Science FoundationDISES:Integrating knowledge systems to evaluate linkages across fishing, culture, and ecosystem integrity813,035Pending
JeremyCollieGraduate School of OceanographyCommercial Fisheries Research FoundationSouth Fork Wind Construction Ventless Trap Survey112,991Pending
SusanneMenden-DeuerGSONASAQuantifying plankton predation rates, and effects on primary production, phytoplankton community composition, size spectra and potential for export - Supplement31000Pending
CarlosGarcia-QuijanoSociology and AnthropologyNOAA-MARFINDeveloping Human Dimension Indicators in the Southeast Region100,000Pending
JasonParentCELS/NRSWater Research FoundationEnabling Stakeholder Monitoring of Surface Water Quality using Imagery from Satellites and Unmanned Aerial Systems$150,000Pending
CarolThornberCELS/NRSNarrangansett Bay Estuary ProgramPilot study collecting new data to assess a changing Narragansett Bay16,200Pending
AustinBeckerMarine AffairsDept. of DefenseStrengthening regional island capacity for humanitarian response to climate hazards in the USVI1,250,000Pending
AustinBeckerCELS/Marine AffairsNSF EPSCOR - Track 2Climate Data and Predictions for Coastal Solutions along the Northeastern US Coast500,000Pending
HongjieWangURI-GSONOAAOptimizing nutrient loading to minimize hypoxia and acidification while sustaining fisheries in Narragansett Bay$1584355Pending
HeatherStoffelURI/GSORIDEMTechnical Support of the Fixed-Site Monitoring Network in Narragansett Bay (2023)235,000Pending
SoniPradhanangCELS/ENRENSFRII Track-2 FEC: Equitable NAture-based ClimaTe Solutions (ENACTS)1,430,000.28Pending
AustinBeckerCELS/MAFNSF (through Brown University as lead)RII Track-2 FEC: Community-Driven Coastal Climate Research & Solutions (3CRS) for the Resilience of New England Coastal Populations$771,000Pending
NathanVinhateiroCoastal InstituteRI Sea GrantSustained and Equitable Access to Rhode Island’s Coast in a Changing Climate (SEA-C)65,000Pending
JasonParentCELS/NRSRI DEMCELS - CI - Geospatial Data Collection, Management, Analysis, and Visualization in Support of Succotash Salt Marsh Restoration$115,730.95Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONSFBII: Feedbacks and Mechanisms Across Biological Scales in the Pelagic Ocean Microbiome: Integrating Molecular and Evolutionary Drivers in the Context of a Rapidly Changing Natural Environment1,626,250Pending
ElizabethMendenhallCELS, MAFNorwegian Research CouncilGEOcean 2030 – Central Arctic Ocean, Geopolitical governance networks, regime interplay and the uncertain path towards 2030 ambitions76,000Pending
 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded