CI Proposal Submission Database

Displaying 26 - 50 of 380

 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded
RobertCampbellGSO/OCGBOEMBio-physical Drivers of Bowhead Whale Distribution on the Alaskan Beaufort Shelf During a Period of Rapid Environmental Change500,000Pending
RobertCampbellGSO/OceanographyNorth Slope BoroughBowhead diet studies; visual and genetic identification of bowhead food$250,000Pending
RobertCampbellGSO/OceanographyNorth Slope BoroughBowhead diet studies; visual and genetic identification of bowhead food$250,000Pending
RobertCampbellGSO/OceanographyNSFArctic Microplastics - Impact of Sea Ice Meltwater on Water Column contamination and accumulation in Zooplankton (IceZooMP)~$900,000Pending
KathleenCarrollNatural Resources ScienceDepartment of Environmental ManagementDeveloping a 20-year framework for monitoring fisher and other mammalian mesocarnivores in Rhode Island.$100,000Pending
KathleenCarrollNRSDEMWhite-tailed deer population estimation in Rhode Island via aerial infrared sensors26,500Pending
JeremyCollieGraduate School of OceanographyNOAA Sea GrantEarly Life History of American Lobsters in Coastal Southern New England Waters$351,485Pending
JeremyCollieGraduate School of OceanographyNOAA-CINARURI-CINAR Education Development and Workforce Training$668,611Pending
JeremyCollieOceanographyNOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy ProgramDevelopment of an Empirical Harvest Control Rule for Southern New England Jonah Crab$200,000Pending
JeremyCollieGraduate School of OceanographyCommercial Fisheries Research FoundationSouth Fork Wind Construction Ventless Trap Survey112,991Pending
JeremyCollieOceanographyComercial Fisheries Research FoundationSouth Fork Wind Construction Ventless Trap Survey$ 110,869Pending
JannelleCouretBiological SciencesNSFVector-Host-Microbe Interactions and Emergent Consequences for Zoonotic Lyme Disease3 millionPending
JannelleCouretBiological SciencesNSFURoL: EN Linking emergent consequences of microbial colonization rules in ticks to enzootic Lyme spirochete transmission dynamics$3,000,000Pending
BrianCrawfordGSO/CRC Dept#2806USAIDThe USAID/Ghana Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SFMP)2,000,000Pending
BrianCrawfordCoastal Resources Center/GSOUSAIDUSAID AFR BAA: The Unrealized Potential of Women Shellfishers in the Nexus of Sustainable Mangrove Conservation, Food Systems, and Nutrition in Coastal West Africa$1,292,000Pending
TeresaCreanGSO/OceanographyRI Statewide PlanningEffects of Sea Level Rise Program (ESLR)$140,000Pending
TeresaCreanGraduate School of Oceanography/Coastal Resources CenterRAE/Southern New England Program (SNEP)Coastal ComMonS Rhode Island: Mobilizing Citizens to Monitor, Engage, and Prepare for Resilience275000Pending
TeresaCrean220 South Ferry RoadNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / National Sea Grant ProgramRISG Omnibus, 2022-2024, Workforce Development and Fellowships$482,368.00Pending
AzureCyglerGSOUSDAImproving Local Seafood Markets in the Ocean State: A direct-market pilot benefiting fishermen on Block Island$150,000Pending
AzureCyglerGSO/OceanographyNOAA/OAR/DOCSea Grant Northeast Regional Lobster Extension Program: RHODE ISLAND$15,000Pending
AzureCyglerOceanographyNOAAShellfish Hub 2.0: Continuing to advance aquaculture education in RI through multi-state input to training the next generation of aquaculturists$41,500 per year for 2 years (inclusive of URI IDC)Pending
TraceyDaltonRhode Island Sea Grant/GSONOAA/DOCRhode Island Sea Grant Program Management$170,000Pending
TraceyDaltonRhode Island Sea Grant/GSONOAA/DOCRhode Island Sea Grant Program Development$120,000Pending
TraceyDaltonGSO/Rhode Island Sea GrantNOAA/DOCProgram Development$125,000Pending
TraceyDaltonOceanographyNational Sea Grant (NOAA)Advancing smart and sustainable aquaculture growth in Rhode Island.$185,183Pending
 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded