First | Last | College/Department | Granting Agency/Foundation | Project Title | Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* | Funded |
Heather | Stoffel | URI/GSO | NERACOOS | Data transfer to NERACOOS from NBFSMN stations operated Supplement BIL Award | 150K | Pending |
Heather | Stoffel | URI/GSO | RIDEM-OWR | RIDEM-OWR Amendement 2025 | 317K | Pending |
Heather | Stoffel | URI/GSO | NERACOOS | Year 4 | 75K | Pending |
Elin | Torell | VPRED | National Science Foundation | ECORE RII: Rhode Island Network for Excellence in Science and Technology | 8,000,000 | Pending |
Elin | Torell | VPRED | NSF | Rhode Island Inclusive Network for Excellence in Science and Technology | 8,000,000 | Pending |
First | Last | College/Department | Granting Agency/Foundation | Project Title | Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* | Funded |