CI Proposal Submission Database

Displaying 301 - 325 of 380

 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded
JenniferMcCannGSO/OceanographyRISG/NOAARI Sea Grant 2024-2027 Omnibus -Extension2028000Pending
RobertCampbellGSO/OceanographyNorth Slope BoroughBowhead diet studies; visual and genetic identification of bowhead food$250,000Pending
RobertCampbellGSO/OceanographyNorth Slope BoroughBowhead diet studies; visual and genetic identification of bowhead food$250,000Pending
RobertCampbellGSO/OceanographyNSFArctic Microplastics - Impact of Sea Ice Meltwater on Water Column contamination and accumulation in Zooplankton (IceZooMP)~$900,000Pending
RobertCampbellGSO/OCGNSFCollaborative Research: Taking the Pulse of the Arctic Ocean System, from the shelves to the Pole - A US Contribution to the International Synoptic Arctic Survey$500,000Pending
RobertCampbellGSO/OCGBOEMBio-physical Drivers of Bowhead Whale Distribution on the Alaskan Beaufort Shelf During a Period of Rapid Environmental Change500,000Pending
AlanDesbonnetGSO/Rhode Island Sea GrantNOAA/Sea GrantSupporting Rhode Island Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic for the Seafood Sector$50,000Pending
TraceyDaltonGSO/Rhode Island Sea GrantNOAA/DOCProgram Development$125,000Pending
DawnKotowiczGSO/URINSFNSF Convergence Accelerator Track E: Solutions-Focused Research to Support Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Across Ocean Sectors$44,988Pending
SusanneMenden-DeuerGSPNASALeveraging time-series to understand coastal ecosystem function: linking inherent optical properties with biological stocks and rates900000Pending
AustinBeckerMarine AffairsDept. of Homeland SecurityCoastal Hazards Analysis, Modeling, and Prediction System for Emergency Management and Response170000Pending
AustinBeckerMarine AffairsDept. of DefenseStrengthening regional island capacity for humanitarian response to climate hazards in the USVI1,250,000Pending
KathleenCarrollNatural Resources ScienceDepartment of Environmental ManagementDeveloping a 20-year framework for monitoring fisher and other mammalian mesocarnivores in Rhode Island.$100,000Pending
LisaPhiloNRSRI Department of HealthImproving Access to Safe Drinking Water from Small Community Water Systems$50,000Pending
KathleenCarrollNRSDEMWhite-tailed deer population estimation in Rhode Island via aerial infrared sensors26,500Pending
BrianGerberNRS/CELSRhode Island Department of Environmental MgmtNational Estuarine Wildlife Research$110,000Pending
JamesMillerOcean EngineeringMaryland-BOEMTransmission and reception of underwater acoustic and seismic signals$200000Pending
AnnetteGrilliOcean EngineeringFriends of Green Hill PondAssessing the Impact of Reopening the Link Channel on the Water Quality of Green Hill Pond, South Kingstown Rhode Island27,000Pending
JamesMillerOcean EngineeringBOEMShelfbreak Ocean Acoustics and Environmental Studies on the Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight$300,000Pending
CandaceOviattOceanographyNOAALarval lobster supply - Examining larval transport with new and old techniques$ 101,897Pending
JeremyCollieOceanographyNOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy ProgramDevelopment of an Empirical Harvest Control Rule for Southern New England Jonah Crab$200,000Pending
GailScowcroftOceanographyNSFFacilitating Polar STEAM: Research and Education Experiences at the Poles$3,960,000Pending
AzureCyglerOceanographyNOAAShellfish Hub 2.0: Continuing to advance aquaculture education in RI through multi-state input to training the next generation of aquaculturists$41,500 per year for 2 years (inclusive of URI IDC)Pending
TraceyDaltonOceanographyNational Sea Grant (NOAA)Advancing smart and sustainable aquaculture growth in Rhode Island.$185,183Pending
HongjieWangOceanographyNSFDrivers of ocean acidification in a temperate urbanized estuary undergoing nutrient loading reductions$713,505Pending
 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded