CI Proposal Submission Database

Displaying 276 - 300 of 360

 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded
RainerLohmannGSONIEHSSTEEP II carryover supplement$278,710Pending
RainerLohmannGSONIEHSSTEEP II Year 31,560,057.45Pending
RainerLohmannGSONSFEAGER: Transarctic PFAS contamination and modeling50,000Pending
RebeccaRobinsonGraduate School of OceanographyNSF-OCE-MGGCollaborative Research: Meridional Gradients in Indian Ocean Variability and Eastern African Hydroclimate for the Last 2.5 Ma516,000Pending
RobHudson2806NJ DEMData-driven characterization of designated Prime Fishing Grounds to support turbine siting and cable route decision-making and provide a baseline for quantifying change200000Pending
RobertCampbellGSO/OCGNSFCollaborative Research: Taking the Pulse of the Arctic Ocean System, from the shelves to the Pole - A US Contribution to the International Synoptic Arctic Survey$500,000Pending
RobertCampbellGSO/OCGBOEMBio-physical Drivers of Bowhead Whale Distribution on the Alaskan Beaufort Shelf During a Period of Rapid Environmental Change500,000Pending
RobertCampbellGSO/OceanographyNorth Slope BoroughBowhead diet studies; visual and genetic identification of bowhead food$250,000Pending
RobertCampbellGSO/OceanographyNorth Slope BoroughBowhead diet studies; visual and genetic identification of bowhead food$250,000Pending
RodMatherA&S / HistoryBOEM / Department of the InteriorData Gap: Characterizing the Seafloor in the Mesophotic Zone$581,217Pending
RoxanneBeinartGSONSFCOLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Identifying the physiological mechanisms underlying symbiotic tubeworm coexistence at cold seeps490,000Pending
RoxanneBeinartGSOHuman Frontiers Science ProgramDeciphering the evolution, cellular biology and biogeochemistry of symbioses in anaerobic eukaryotes$400,000Pending
SarahGainesCoastal Resources Center/GSOUS Department of StateBuilding a Regional Community of Practice Against Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishign (IUUF) in Madagascar227,000Pending
SarahGainesGSO/CRCUSAIDUSAID Heshimu Bahari$2,936,864Pending
SarahGainesOceanography/2806United Nations Development ProgramEnsuring Community Roles in Complex Multiple Use Areas in Madagascar250kPending
SarahGainesGSO/CRCUSAIDUSAID Riake$15,000,000Pending
SarahGainesCRC/GSOWestern Indian Ocean Marine Science OrganizationMPA Toolkit30000Pending
SarahSmithGSO Coastal Resources CenterUSAID Fish Innovation LabInclusion of Seaweed in Local Dietary Products to Improve Nutrition and Food Security of Young Children and Women in Zanzibar.$500,000Pending
ScottMcWilliamsCELS/NRSRI DEMForest management for American Woodcock and associated wildlife: developing a state-wide spatially-explicit conservation plan.$867,405Pending
ScottMcWilliamsCELS/NRSNRCSForestry support to NRCS$90,000Pending
scottMcWilliamsCELS/NRSRI DEMForest management for American Woodcock and associated wildlife: developing a state-wide spatially-explicit conservation plan.805000Pending
ScottMcWilliamsCELS/NRSNRCSForestry support to NRCS$100,000Pending
ScottMcWilliamsCELS/NRSRI DEMSupplement: Effects of aquaculture on waterbirds$388,243Pending
ScottMcWilliamsCELS/NRSNRCSForestry support to NRCS$89,000Pending
ScottMcWilliamsCollege of the Environment and Life Sciences/Natural Resources ScienceState of Rhode Island, Department of Environmental ManagementAdapting Resources for RI Forest Carbon and Resiliency Messaging$14,411.50Pending
 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded