CI Proposal Submission Database

Displaying 201 - 225 of 360

 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded
MelissaOmandGSONSFToward a Sensor Laden Future Ocean1,000,000Pending
PeterSnyderDREDNOAAURI Center for Integrated Plastics Research/URI Land to Sea Plastics COLAB1,000,000Pending
ColleenMouwGSONASAValidation of PACE radiometry and science data products in the U.S. Northeast Continental Shelf in partnership with NOAA1,200,000Pending
AustinBeckerMarine AffairsDept. of DefenseStrengthening regional island capacity for humanitarian response to climate hazards in the USVI1,250,000Pending
RainerLohmannGSOSERDPAssessment of PFAS leaching from AFFF impacted asphalt and potential for beneficial reuse using carbon amendments1,400,000Pending
ToddGuilfoosCELS/ENRENSFCommunication, Rules, and Cooperation in Social Dilemmas: Large Scale Experiments using Games1,400,000Pending
SoniPradhanangCELS/ENRENSFRII Track-2 FEC: Equitable NAture-based ClimaTe Solutions (ENACTS)1,430,000.28Pending
EmiUchidaCELS/ENRENSFRII Track-2 FEC: Risks, Impacts, and Strategies for Coastal Communities (RISCC): Advancing Convergent Science to Support Climate Change Adaptation and Community Resilience1,500,000Pending
RainerLohmann2802SERDPProduce and test effective sorbents for PFAS capture from off-gases emitted by thermal treatments of AFFF-impacted matrices1,502,868Pending
IsaacGinisGSO/2802NOAAModeling, Visualizing and Communicating Nor'easter and Hurricane Threats with Sea-level Rise to Support Coastal Management within the Northeast1,511,000Pending
RainerLohmannGSONIEHSSTEEP II Year 31,560,057.45Pending
AnnetteGrilliCOE/OCENOAAAdvancing the application of NNBF for sustaining the long-term resilience of New England beach-barrier systems in a changing climate1,600,000Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONSFBII: Feedbacks and Mechanisms Across Biological Scales in the Pelagic Ocean Microbiome: Integrating Molecular and Evolutionary Drivers in the Context of a Rapidly Changing Natural Environment1,626,250Pending
GlennRicciOceanography/CRCRTIUSAID/Indoneisa BER-IKAN Activity1,763,972Pending
RainerLohmannGSOSERDPPFAS bioaccumulation in coastal seabirds from Charleston, SC1.1 MioPending
HongjieWangGSOEPANutrient and water quality indicators of sustainable habitat and living resources in temperate estuaries1.2MPending
CarlosGarcia-QuijanoSociology and AnthropologyNOAA-MARFINDeveloping Human Dimension Indicators in the Southeast Region100,000Pending
DennisNixonGSO/OceanographyNOAACOVID-19 Response 2020100000Pending
EmiUchidaCELS/ENRENSFPlanning: CRISES: Center to Reduce Land-to-Sea Plastics in Small Coastal Communities100000Pending
CarlosGarcia-QuijanoSociology and AnthropologyNSFThe Environmental Justice Effects of Ecological Knowledge100000Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONSFMETA-DDA: METabolic Activities of Diatom-Diazotroph Associations1053775Pending
KristyLewisGSONSFCollaborative Research: IMPLEMENTATION: C-COAST: Changing the Culture of our Occupations to Achieve Systemic Transformation106100Pending
JeremyCollieGraduate School of OceanographyCommercial Fisheries Research FoundationSouth Fork Wind Construction Ventless Trap Survey112,991Pending
PamelaRubinoffCRC/GSODHSCommunicating Risk to Motivate Individual Action113,063Pending
 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded