CI Proposal Submission Database

Displaying 151 - 175 of 360

 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded
ColleenMouwGSONSFA novel approach to study monomethylmercury in natural phytoplankton assemblages$477,163Pending
TraceyDaltonGSONOAABuilding a cross-sector marine debris coalition in Rhode Island, with dedicated action to create a fishing gear collection and recycling program.300000Pending
SusanneMenden-DeuerGSONASAQuantifying plankton predation rates, and effects on primary production, phytoplankton community composition, size spectra and potential for export - Supplement31000Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONSFBII: Feedbacks and Mechanisms Across Biological Scales in the Pelagic Ocean Microbiome: Integrating Molecular and Evolutionary Drivers in the Context of a Rapidly Changing Natural Environment1,626,250Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONSFLTER: Scales of variability in ecosystem dynamics and production on the changing Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES II)940,000Pending
ColleenMouwGSONOAA via CINARDevelopment of hyperspectral remote sensing products150000Pending
ColleenMouwGSONASAValidation of PACE radiometry and science data products in the U.S. Northeast Continental Shelf in partnership with NOAA1,200,000Pending
SusanneMenden-DeuerGSOUS Department of Energypatially resolved multi-parameter sensing of ocean carbon dynamics utilizing fiber optic time-of-flight sensors235000Pending
ColleenMouwGSONSFCollaborative Proposal: A novel approach to study monomethylmercury in natural phytoplankton assemblages$555,000Pending
RoxanneBeinartGSOHuman Frontiers Science ProgramDeciphering the evolution, cellular biology and biogeochemistry of symbioses in anaerobic eukaryotes$400,000Pending
MelissaOmandGSOSchmidt Futures InitiativeOceans Margins Initiative3.8MPending
TatianaRynearsonGSONSFCollaborative Research: Rhythm and Blooms: Deciphering metabolic, functional and taxonomic interactions over the life cycle of a phytoplankton bloom710,000Pending
KristyLewisGSONSFCollaborative Research: IMPLEMENTATION: C-COAST: Changing the Culture of our Occupations to Achieve Systemic Transformation106100Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONOAAInvestigating Narragansett Bay Climate Change Impacts Via Time Series Analysis of a 60-Year Plankton Dataset120,000Pending
KristyLewisGSONOAAImpacts of Shifting Salt Marsh Extent on Fish Productivity in Narragansett Bay120,000Pending
KristyLewisGSONOAACoastal Adaptation Solutions through Transdisciplinary Workforce Internships, Studios, and Employment (CoASTWISE)361890Pending
RainerLohmannGSONIEHSSTEEP II carryover supplement$278,710Pending
JitkaBecanovaGSOSERDPElucidating PFAS bioaccumulation mechanisms in fish for developing a novel biomimicking approach$ 1,199,273Pending
KristyLewisGSOWHOI/NOAAPCMHAB20: Application of Clay Flocculation for Removal of Karenia brevis Cells and Toxins in Southwest Florida Coastal Water88,630.64Pending
KristyLewisGSONASACoastal Access is the nexus of climate resilience: Employing remote sensing and community-led science to expand coastal community resilience in Southern New England850,000Pending
KristyLewisGSONOAA CINARAssessing cumulative impacts of offshore wind on ecosystems and living resources in the New England and the Mid-Atlantic waters$1,451,410Pending
ColleenMouwGSONOAA CINARDevelopment of hyperspectral remote sensing products for fisheries$1,229,255Pending
HongjieWangGSOEPANutrient and water quality indicators of sustainable habitat and living resources in temperate estuaries1.2MPending
TatianaRynearsonGSOWHOI/NOAAThe Molecular Ecology of Right Whale Feeding718,442Pending
RainerLohmannGSONIEHSSTEEP II Year 31,560,057.45Pending
 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded