CI Proposal Submission Database

Displaying 326 - 350 of 360

 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded
Dr. YeqaioWangCELS/NRSRI Coastal Resources Management CouncilContinued Beach Profiling on the Charlestown$12,349Pending
YeqaioWangCELS/NRSRI CRMCAmendment to 2020 Development and Maintenance of an Online Delivery System for STORMTOOLS Inundation and Risk Maps$12,082Pending
JasonParentCELS/NRSRI DEMCELS - CI - Geospatial Data Collection, Management, Analysis, and Visualization in Support of Succotash Salt Marsh Restoration$115,730.95Pending
JasonParentCELS/NRSU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/NACCESUCELS - CI - Long Island Sound Eelgrass Aerial Mapping and Intercomparison Study$115,000Pending
YeqaioWangCELS/NRSNational Park ServiceCELS - CI - Develop Core Geospatial Data and Stewardship Plan for IR1 Parks$112,084Pending
JohnKingGSONational Park Service"Benthic Habitat Characterization and Mapping for Assateague National Seashore and Acadia National Park"$110,000Pending
BrianGerberNRS/CELSRhode Island Department of Environmental MgmtNational Estuarine Wildlife Research$110,000Pending
YeqaioWangCELS/NRSNational Park ServiceCELS - CI - Mod 1 - Integrating Geospatial Capacity with Management and Operations in NPS Interior Region 1$101,080Pending
Dr. YeqiaoWangCELS/NRSNational Park ServiceIntegrating Geospatial Capacity with Management and Operations in NPS Interior Region 1, Modification 2$101,080Pending
Dr. YeqiaoWangCELS/NRSNational Park ServiceCELS - CI - Integrating Geospatial Capacity with Management and Operations in NPS Interior Region 1 (Task Agreement FY24)$101,080Pending
JOHNWALSHCRC/GSODoEBenthic, Pelagic and Aerial Monitoring Before, During and After Offshore Wind Farm Construction on the Northeast Continental Shelf$1000000Pending
JenniferMcCannGSO/OceanographyNOAA/OAR/DOCDeveloping a comprehensive, modern, hybridized training program for aspiring commercial fishermen in Rhode Island.$100,000Pending
McCannJenniferGSORI CRMCMinimizing Conflict with Recreational Fishing in Narragansett Bay$100,000Pending
ScottMcWilliamsCELS/NRSNRCSForestry support to NRCS$100,000Pending
KathleenCarrollNatural Resources ScienceDepartment of Environmental ManagementDeveloping a 20-year framework for monitoring fisher and other mammalian mesocarnivores in Rhode Island.$100,000Pending
NancyKarrakerCELS/NRSThe Nature ConservancyConserving Overwintering Habitat of Diamondback Terrapins$10,967Pending
JenniferMcCannGSO/OceanographyNOAA/National Sea GrantWorkshop: A Community of Practice for Offshore Renewable Energy$10,000Pending
KarenKentOceanographyUSAIDWomen Shellfish Food Security Project$1.9MPending
ToddGuilfoosCELS/ENRENSFCommunication, Rules, and Cooperation in Social Dilemmas: Large-scale Experiments Using Games$1.8 MPending
SunshineMenezesCELS/NRSNSFBroadening Participation Among Science Communication Practitioners: Science Communication and Representation Fellowship (SCARF)$1,743,188Pending
RainerLohmannGSONIEHSSTEEP Year 5$1,731,213Pending
JasonParentCELS/NRSNOAACELS-GSO - Coastal Institute (CESU) - NOAA ESLR: Building for resilience in coastal communities and ecosystems$1,582,544Pending
RainerLohmann2802SERDPDevelopment of Improved Concentration Technologies for Treatment of Matrices Impacted by PFAS$1,513,935Pending
ThomasSproulCELS/ENRENSF via WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)Ocean Science for Decision Making: Leveraging Advanced Climate Models for Coastal Community Resilience$1,507,305Pending
MonicaAllard CoxRhode Island Sea Grant/GSONOAA/Sea Grant2024-2027 RISG Omnibus Communications Program$1,500,000Pending
 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded