CI Proposal Submission Database

Displaying 301 - 325 of 359

 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded
Scott R.McWiliamsCELS/NRSSubaward to RC&D Council on USDA/NRCS ProjectForestry Support to NRCS$204,764Pending
SoniPradhanangCELS/ENRENSFRII Track-2 FEC: Equitable NAture-based ClimaTe Solutions (ENACTS)1,430,000.28Pending
SunshineMenezesCELS/NRSNSFBroadening Participation Among Science Communication Practitioners: Science Communication and Representation Fellowship (SCARF)$1,743,188Pending
SusanneMenden-DeuerGSONASADiscovering optical signatures of grazing: from bench to blue water~$850kPending
SusanneMenden-DeuerGraduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode IslandNSFQuantifying Temperature Dependence in Growth & Grazing Rates of Planktonic Herbivores - COVID SUPPLEMENT$60000Pending
SusanneMenden-DeuerGSONSFLTER: Linking Pelagic community structure with ecosystem dynamics and production regimes on the changing Northeast Shelf175687Pending
SusanneMenden-DeuerGSONASAQuantifying plankton predation rates, and effects on primary production, phytoplankton community composition, size spectra and potential for export - Supplement31000Pending
SusanneMenden-DeuerGSPNASALeveraging time-series to understand coastal ecosystem function: linking inherent optical properties with biological stocks and rates900000Pending
SusanneMenden-DeuerGSOUS Department of Energypatially resolved multi-parameter sensing of ocean carbon dynamics utilizing fiber optic time-of-flight sensors235000Pending
SusanneMenden-DeuerUniversity of Rhode Island, GSONSFULTRA-Data: Establishing regional and historical net primary production records on the North East US-Shelf from blended empirical and Ocean Observing Initiative measurements780000Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONSFRAPID: Autumn transition in plankton ecology during an ocean heatwave on the Northeast U.S. Shelf$17,000Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONOAAURI-CINAR: Education Development and Workforce Development$535,000Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSORI Sea GrantUsing historical time series data to predict future HAB events in Narragansett Bay, RI$250,000Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONSFMETA-DDA: METabolic Activities of Diatom-Diazotroph Associations1053775Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSOCINAR/NOAAScat analysis of Right Whales on the US Northeast Shelf74,000Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONSFBII: Feedbacks and Mechanisms Across Biological Scales in the Pelagic Ocean Microbiome: Integrating Molecular and Evolutionary Drivers in the Context of a Rapidly Changing Natural Environment1,626,250Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONSFLTER: Scales of variability in ecosystem dynamics and production on the changing Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES II)940,000Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONSFCollaborative Research: Rhythm and Blooms: Deciphering metabolic, functional and taxonomic interactions over the life cycle of a phytoplankton bloom710,000Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONOAAInvestigating Narragansett Bay Climate Change Impacts Via Time Series Analysis of a 60-Year Plankton Dataset120,000Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSOWHOI/NOAAThe Molecular Ecology of Right Whale Feeding718,442Pending
TatianaRynearsonGSONSFNERC-NSF: Environmental and genetic variation in Antarctic diatom functional traits590,000Pending
TeresaCreanGSO/OceanographyRI Statewide PlanningEffects of Sea Level Rise Program (ESLR)$140,000Pending
TeresaCreanGraduate School of Oceanography/Coastal Resources CenterRAE/Southern New England Program (SNEP)Coastal ComMonS Rhode Island: Mobilizing Citizens to Monitor, Engage, and Prepare for Resilience275000Pending
TeresaCrean220 South Ferry RoadNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / National Sea Grant ProgramRISG Omnibus, 2022-2024, Workforce Development and Fellowships$482,368.00Pending
ThomasSproulCELS/ENRENSF via WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)Socioeconomic Effects of Climate Shocks and COVID-19 on Fishing and Coastal Communities731565Pending
 First Last College/Department Granting Agency/Foundation Project Title Funding Amount Requested (may be an estimate)* Funded