Nathan Vinhateiro, PhD

  • Science Director
  • Room 129, Coastal Institute Bay Campus
  • Phone: 401.874.4866
  • Email:


Dr. Nathan Vinhateiro is an Associate Research Professor and Science Director at the URI Coastal Institute (CI). In this role, he works to promote and support interdisciplinary coastal research at the University and among regional collaboratives convened through the CI.  Nathan serves as chair of the RI Environmental Monitoring Collaborative and sits on the coordination team for Rhode Island’s Scientific Support for Environmental Emergency Response (SSEER) network. He is a science advisor for the CI’s Climate Response Demonstration Sites, which examine risks to different types of coastal environments – natural, mixed-use, urban from sea level rise, storm surge, and coastal erosion.  He also leads a CI initiative focused on defining areas of public access to the RI shoreline and providing policymakers with up-to-date information to describe how coastal processes and climate change impinge on public trust lands. Nathan holds a Ph.D. from URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography, where his dissertation examined the impact of storms and sea level rise on barrier beach shorelines.

Areas of Expertise: Coastal geology, coastal hazards, geographic information systems (GIS).