Emily Diamond

  • Department of Communication Studies and Department of Marine Affairs
  • University of Rhode Island
  • Phone: 401.874.5144
  • Email: diamond@uri.edu
  • Office Location: 211 Davis Hall
    10 Lippitt Road
    Kingston, RI 02881
  • Website


I am interested in how coastal communities adapt to environmental changes, and how we can use strategic communication to more effectively engage these communities in the management of natural resources. I am particularly interested in the role that identities play in attitude and behavior change, and developing identity-based communication strategies to help coastal communities understand and address the challenges associated with climate change.


I envision most of my research projects focusing on how to more effectively communicate about environmental issues to coastal communities. I am already involved in several grants/grant proposals associated with the Coastal Institute (including STEEP and an NSF Civic Engagement grant proposal), and plan to shape much of my future research agenda around coastal communities. I envision leveraging the resources and expertise available through the CI to apply for additional grants to fund research projects on coastal identities and communication strategies. I could also see opportunities to connect with existing CI initiatives to support this work and/or contribute a communication studies perspective, including the Climate Demo Sites.