- Division of Marine Fisheries
- Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
- Phone: 401-423-1941
- Email: conor.mcmanus@dem.ri.gov
My research focuses on addressing fish and fisheries questions to better inform management decisions regarding marine resources and ecosystem sustainability. My research interests to-date have included, but are not limited to: bio-physical oceanography, climate science, fisheries ecology, marine affairs, fisheries sampling design, population dynamics, fish early-life history, ecosystem modeling, estuarine ecology, and fisheries management. My work consistently uses various field survey methods as well as analytical tools and modeling approaches to understand changes in marine species abundance, life history, and their habitats in the context of changes in the environment, harvest, and other anthropogenic activities. With my research driven by the needs of regional fisheries management entities and stakeholders, my applied research aims to improve our understanding of marine resources and how to manage them in a dynamically changing system.