Narragansett Bay Watershed

Narragansett Bay Watershed: the ebb and flow of natural capital

Narragansett Bay centrality to the economic vitality of the bi-state watershed region (RI and MA) has long been a premise accepted by government officials, academic institutions, and private and public industries agree. The CI recognized the need for a more specific and comprehensive economic assessment of this premise.

Dr. Emi Uchida, Professor of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (ENRE) at URI, was enlisted by the CI to lead a study on the value of Narragansett Bay and its watershed to the surrounding population and economy that depends on its ecosystem goods and services. This study assesses various sectors of the region’s economy as they relate to estuary resources, and ties in with a broader project that includes collaboration with URI, Stanford University, Clark University, and MassAudbon.

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