- Coastal Resources Center
- University of Rhode Island
- Phone: 401.874.6233
- Email: jpwalsh@uri.edu
- Office Location: 220 South Ferry Rd.
Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882
Because of my research and personal interests, I have concern about a wide array of coastal issues. My research focuses on geological and oceanographic processes, such as hydrodynamics and sedimentation. This work is relevant to understanding coastal hazards including erosion and storm surge as well as habitat properties and changes. Personally, I enjoy exploring the coast individually or with my family and friends. Whether I am on foot, a boat or a surfboard, I care about seeing a healthy and happy coast, where ecosystems are functioning relatively unimpeded and are providing invaluable services. Ideally, I, like others, want to see organisms at all trophic levels, but I am pragmatic and recognize in many places we are working to revive damaged systems. I hope we continue to improve our coasts, enabling their sustainability for generations to come.